Praise and gratitude be to The Lord for creating mankind out of nothingness | الحَمْدُ
لِلّهِ مُنْشِى الخَلْقِ مِنْ عَدَم |
then prayers upon the one chosen since ancientness (olden times) | ثُمَّ الصَلَاةُ عَلَى المُخْتَارِ فِى القِدَمِ | ||
O Lord, please send prayers, peace and greetings always forever | مَولَاىَ صَلِّ وسَلِّمْ دَائِمَاً أَبَدَا | ||
upon Your loved one, the best of all mankind | عَلَىَ حَبِيبِكَ خَيرُ الخَلْقِ كُلّهِمِ | ||
Chapter One
Introduction |
Is it because of remembering neighbors in Dhi-salamin. | أمنْ تذكر جيرانٍ بذى سلمٍ | 1 | |
you mixed tears that flowed out of your eyes with blood? | مزجْتَ
دمعا جَرَى من مقلةٍ بدمِ |
Or did the wind blow from the direction of Kaazimatan. | أَمْ هبَّتِ الريحُ مِنْ تلقاءِ كاظمةٍ | 2 | |
or did lightning flash in the darkness from Iddami? |
أوأَومض البرق في الظَّلْماءِ من إِضمِ |
What is it with your eyes, if you tell them to stop, they flow | فما لعينيك إن قلت اكْفُفا هَمَتا | 3 | |
and what is it with your heart, if you ask it to come to senses, it wanders away? | وما لقلبك إن قلت استفق يهمِ | ||
Does the lover think that love can be concealed | أيحسب
الصبُ أنّ الحب منكتمٌ |
4 | |
while his eyes are flowing and his heart is blazing? | ما
بين منسجم منه ومضْطرمِ |
If it were not for love, you would not have shed tears over ruins (of your beloved’s memory) | لولا الهوى لم ترق دمعاً على طللٍ | 5 | |
nor would you have been sleepless on remembering the ben (tree of beauty) and mount “3Alami” | ولا
أرقْتَ لذكر البانِ والعَلمِ |
nor would you have been lent the two colors of tears and of pallor (the colors of sorrow and of illness) | ولا
اعارتك لونى عبرة وضنى |
by memories of the tents and the tents’ residents. | ذكرى الخيام وذكرى ساكنى الخيم | ||
So how do you deny love after the testimony | فكيف
تنكر حباً بعد ما شهدت |
6 | |
borne against you by just witnesses of tears and illness, | به
عليك عدول الدمع والسقمِ |
and love has proven and ingrained two lines of tears, and colored your face | وأثبت
الوجدُ خطَّيْ عبرةٍ وضنىً |
7 | |
like spices on your cheeks and like the reddish tree? | مثل
البهار على خديك والعنمِ |
Yes! vision of the one I love came to me and made me sleepless |
نعمْ سرى طيفُ منْ أهوى فأرقني |
8 | |
and love opposes feeling pleasures by causing pain. | والحب يعترض اللذات بالألم | ||
You who blame me, regarding my love, apologies | يا
لائمي في الهوى العذري معذرة |
9 | |
from me to you, and if you do justice, you would not blame. | مني
إليك ولو أنصفت لم تلمِ |
May my affliction never affect you, for my secret is no longer hidden | عَدتْكَ
حالِيَ لا سِرِّي بمستترٍ |
10 | |
from the informers, nor is there a relief for my illness. | عن
الوشاة ولا دائي بمنحسمِ |
You have sincerely advised me, but I do not listen |
محضْتني النصح لكن لست أسمعهُ |
11 | |
for a lover is definitely deaf to those who rebuke him. | إن
المحب عن العذال في صممِ |
I accused the advice of greying by reproaching me | إنى
اتهمت نصيحَ الشيب في عذَلٍ |
12 | |
and greying is beyond accusations when it advises | والشيبُ
أبعدُ في نصح عن التهمِ |
فى التحذير
من الهوى
against self and its desires
In fact, my soul which orders me towards evil did not get the lesson | فإنَّ أمَارتي بالسوءِ ما أتعظت | 13 | |
because of its ignorance of the warnings of greying and aging, | من جهلها بنذير الشيب والهرمِ | ||
and it has not prepared a supply of good deeds as a welcome | ولا
أعدّتْ من الفعل الجميل قرى |
14 | |
for a guest that has visited my head unhidden. | ضيفٍ ألمّ برأسي غيرَ محتشم | ||
If I had known that I would not honor it | لو
أعلم أني ما أوقرُه |
15 |
I would have concealed my secret, which has become apparent, by coloring. | كتمتُ
سراً بدا لي منه بالكتمِ |
Who can help me restrain my wild-self from temptation | منْ
بردِّ جماحٍ من غوايتها |
16 | |
just as reins restrain horses’ ferocity? | كما
يُردُّ جماحُ الخيلِ باللُّجمِ |
So don’t aim, by sinning, to subdue its lust | فلا
ترمْ بالمعاصي كسرَ شهوتها |
17 |
in fact, food, only increases the lust of the gluttonous, | إنَّ
الطعام يقوي شهوةَ النَّهمِ |
and a self is like a child, if neglected it grows | والنفسُ
كالطفل إن تُهْملهُ شبَّ على |
18 | |
loving breast-feeding, but if you wean it, it stops. | حب
الرضاعِ وإن تفطمهُ ينفطمِ |
So dismiss its passion and don’t let it rule, | فاصرفْ
هواها وحاذر أن تُوَليهُ |
19 |
for if passion rules, it will kill or tarnish, | إن الهوى ما تولَّى يُصْمِ أو يَصمِ | ||
and guard it while it is grazing in the field of deeds | وراعها
وهي في الأعمالِ سائمةٌ |
20 |
and if it enjoys the pasture of evil, don’t let it roam . | وإنْ هي استحلتِ المرعى فلا تُسِم | ||
How often has a person enjoyed a deadly pleasure | كمْ
حسنتْ لذةً للمرءِ قاتلةً من |
21 |
when he did not know that there was poison in the honey? | حيث لم يدرِ أنَّ السم فى الدسمِ | ||
And fear the conniving of hunger and of satiety | واخش
الدسائس من جوعٍ ومن شبع |
22 |
for on occasions hunger is worse that overeating, | فرب
مخمصةٍ شر من التخمِ |
and shed tears from an eye that has been filled | واستفرغ الدمع من عين قد امتلأتْ | 23 |
of forbidden sights, and oblige yourself to regret, | من
المحارم والزمْ حمية الندمِ |
and oppose your self and Satan and disobey them | وخالف النفس والشيطان واعصِهِما | 24 | |
and if both advise you, be suspicious, | وإنْ
محضاك النصح فاتَّهمِ |
and don’t obey them, either whether as an enemy or as a judge | ولا تطعْ منهما خصماً ولا حكماً | 25 | |
for you know the deviousness of enemies and judges. | فأنت تعرفُ كيدَ الخصم والحكمِ | ||
I seek The Lord’s forgiveness from word without action | أستغفرُ
الله من قولٍ بلا عملٍ |
26 | |
for this is like naming offsprings to an infertile. | لقد
نسبتُ به نسلاً لذي عُقمِ |
I ordered you towards good but I do not follow the same orders | أمْرتُك
الخيرَ لكنْ ما ائتمرْتُ به |
27 | |
and I was not straight so why am I asking you to be straight, | وما
استقمتُ فما قولى لك استقمِ |
and I saved no supply before death of voluntary worship | ولا
تزودتُ قبل الموت نافلةً |
28 | |
and I did not perform except obligatory prayers (salaat) and did I fast, | ولم أصلِّ سوى فرضٍ ولم اصمِ | ||
في مدح النبي صلى الله
عليه وسلم Chapter three Praising the prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
I transgressed the course (sunna) of the one who prayed all night until | ظلمتُ
سنَّةَ منْ أحيا الظلام إلى |
29 | |
his feet swelled and complained of injury, | إنِ
اشتكتْ قدماه الضرَ من ورمِ |
and because of hunger he tied around his stomach and folded | وشدَّ
من سغبٍ أحشاءه وطوى |
30 | |
the delicate skin of his waist beneath the stones, | تحت
الحجارة كشْحاً مترف الأدم |
and magnificent mountains of gold tempted him | وراودتْه الجبالُ الشمُ من ذهبٍ | 31 |
to submit, but he demonstrated the true essence of magnificence, | عن
فأراها أيما شممِ |
his need confirmed his true disinterest in them | وأكدتْ
زهده فيها ضرورته |
32 |
for need never triumphs over virtuousness, | إنَّ
الضرورة لا تعدو على العِصَمِ |
and how can his neediness be a call for worldly possessions when | وكيف تدعو إلى الدنيا ضرورةُ منْ | 33 | |
had it not been for him the whole world would not have come out of nothingness? | لولاه
تُخْرجِ الدنيا من العدمِ |
Muhammad is the
master of both universes and both creations (man and jinn) |
الكونين والثقلين |
34 |
and of both groups of Arabs and of Ajam (non-Arabs, mainly Persians). | والفريقين
من عُرْب ومنْ عجمِ |
Our prophet is the one who commands and forbids, and there is no one | نبينا
الآمرُ الناهي فلا أحدٌ |
35 |
more truthful in saying "No" or "Yes" than him. | أبرَّ
قولِ لا منه ولا نعمِ |
He is the beloved, whose intercession is hoped for | هو
الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته |
36 |
to overrun every terrible horror (on the day of resurrection). | لكل
من الأهوال مقتحمِ |
He called for following The Lord, so those who cling to him | دعا
الله فالمستمسكون به |
37 | |
are clinging to a rope which will never give way. | مستمسكون بحبلٍ غير منفصمِ | ||
He surpassed all prophets in appearance and in virtue | فاق
النبيين في خَلقٍ وفي خُلق |
38 |
and they did not even come close to his knowledge and kindness, | ولم
يدانوه في علمٍ ولا كرمِ |
and they are all petitioning to Rasulullah for | وكلهم
رسول الله ملتمسٌ |
39 |
a handful of water from the ocean or sips from rains, | غرفاً
البحر أو رشفاً من الديمِ |
and they all stand before him at their confined limits | وواقفون لديه عند حدهم | 40 |
like a full stop in the knowledge or a comma in the wisdom | من
العلم أو من شكلة الحكمِ |
for he is the one whose substance and image were completed and perfected | فهو الذي تم معناه وصورته | 41 | |
then was chosen as His loved one by The Creator of mankind. | ثم اصطفاه حبيباً بارئُ النسم | ||
He is exalted beyond any equal in splendor | منزهٌ
شريكٍ في محاسنه |
42 | |
for the core of his splendor is indivisible. | فجوهر الحسن فيه غير منقسمِ | ||
Leave what the Christians claim about their prophet | دعْ ما ادعتْهُ النصارى في نبيهم | 43 |
and then decide to praise him with whatever you see, and seek judgment, | واحكم بما شئت مدحاً فيه واحتكم | ||
and attribute to him whatever you wish of honor, | وانسب
إلى ذاته ما شئت من شرف |
44 | |
and attribute to his status whatever you wish of greatness, | وانسب
إلى قدره ما شئت من عظمِ |
for the graciousness of Rasulullah has no | فإن فضل رسول الله ليس له | 45 | |
limit, to an extent beyond what can be expressed in words. | حدٌّ
فيعرب عنه ناطقٌ بفمِ |
If his miracles were proportional in greatness to his status | لو
ناسبت قدرَه آياتُه عظماً |
46 | |
then calling his name would have brought back to life decayed bodies. | أحيا اسمُه حين يدعى دارسَ الرممِ | ||
He did not test us with anything that perplexes minds | لم
يمتحنا بما تعيا العقولُ به |
47 |
out of care for us, so we were neither suspicious nor did we wander. | حرصاً علينا فلم نرْتبْ ولم نهمِ | ||
Understanding his essence bewildered people, so he is not seen | أعيا
الورى فهمُ معناه فليس يُرى |
48 | |
except perplexing whether from near or from far, | في
والبعد فيه غير مُنْفحمِ |
like the sun, appearing to the eye when seen from afar | كالشمس تظهر للعينين من بعد | 49 |
small, but dazzles and overwhelms when gazed at. | صغيرةً
وتُكلُّ الطرفَ من أممِ |
And how can his reality be perceived in this world by | وكيف
يُدْرِكُ في الدنيا حقيقته |
50 |
inattentive people who disport from him by dreaming? | قومٌ
نيامٌ تسلوا عنه بالحُلمِ |
The extent of knowledge about him, is that he is human | فمبلغ
العلمِ فيه أنه بشرٌ |
51 | |
and that he is the best of all The Lord’s creatures, | وأنه
خيرُ خلقِ الله كلهمِ |
and all miracle shown by the generous messengers | وكلُ آيٍ أتى الرسل الكرام بها | 52 |
only came to be through their connection to his light, | فإنما
اتصلتْ من نوره بهمِ |
For he is a sun of graciousness, while they are its moons (planets) | فإنه شمسُ فضلٍ هم كواكبُها | 53 |
relaying its lights to people in darkness. | يُظْهِرنَ
أنوارَها للناس في الظُلمِ |
Graceful is the prophet’s appearance, it is adorned with virtue, | أكرمْ
بخَلْق نبيّ زانه خُلقٌ |
54 | |
it encompasses
beauty and is characterized by pleasantness, |
مشتملٍ بالبشر متَّسمِ |
lavish like flowers, honorable like the full-moon | كالزهر
في ترفٍ والبدر في شرفٍ |
55 |
generous like the ocean and firm like the ages, | والبحر
في كرمٍ والدهر في هِمَمِ |
as if, even when alone, out of his glory | كانه
فردٌ من جلالته |
56 | |
when you meet him he is surrounded by troops and in full suite, | في
عسكرٍ حين تلقاه وفي حشم |
as if pearls hidden in oyster shells | ِكأنما
اللؤلؤ المكنون فى صدفٍ |
57 |
appear during both his speech and his smiles. | من
معْدِنَي منطقٍ منه ومُبْتَسم |
No fragrance is equal to that of the soil containing his remains | لا طيبَ يعدلُ تُرباً ضم أعظُمه | 58 | |
happy is he who smells it and he who embraces it. | طوبى
لمنتشقٍ منه وملتثم |
فى مولده صلى الله
عليه وسلم Chapter Four His birth (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
His birth displayed his purified origin | أبان مولدُه عن طيب عنصره | 59 | |
O what pure initial and final ancestry and lineage. | يا
طيبَ مبتدأٍ منه ومختتمِ |
On that day the Persians’ insight revealed to them that | يومٌ تفرَّس فيه الفرس أنهمُ | 60 | |
they are forewarned of wrath and of misery to befall them, | قد أُنْذِروا بحلول البؤْس والنقمِ | ||
and Kisra’s palace was fissured and cracked | وبات إيوان كسرى وهو منصدعٌ | 61 | |
like Kisra’s companions who became dispersed with unhealed unity, | كشملِ أصحاب كسرى غير ملتئمِ | ||
and the fire in the Persian temple died out in sorrow | والنار خامدةُ الأنفاسِ من أسفٍ | 62 | |
and the Persian river had sleepless eyes out of grief, | عليه والنهرُ ساهي العينِ من سدمِ | ||
and the town of
Saawah was desolate that its lake dried out |
ساوة أنْ غاضت بحيرتُها |
63 | |
and its thirsty visitor was turned back in disappointment. | ورُدَّ
واردُها بالغيظ حين ظمي |
As though fire has the wetness water possesses | كأنّ
بالنار ما بالماء من بلل |
64 | |
out of grief, and water has the blazing inherent in fire. | حزْناً وبالماء ما بالنار من ضرمِ | ||
And the jinn was chanting and the lights were shining | والجنُ
تهتفُ والأنوار ساطعةٌ |
65 | |
and the truth was appearing in word and meaning. |
والحق يظهرُ من معنىً ومن كَلمِ |
They were blinded and deaf to the happening, as the good tidings were not | عَمُوا وصمُّوا فإعلانُ البشائر | 66 | |
heard and the stunning flashing warning was not noted, | تُسمعْ وبارقةُ الإنذار لم تُشمِ | ||
after the soothsayer informed the people | من بعد ما أخبر الأقوامَ كاهِنُهمُ | 67 | |
that their skewed religion would not endure, | بأن دينَهم المعوجَّ لم يقمِ | ||
and after they observed falling stars in the horizon | وبعد
ما عاينوا في الأفق من شُهُب |
68 | |
shooting down, just as idols on earth were falling, | منقضّةٍ
وفق ما في الأرض من صنمِ |
until, through the appearance of Revelation (Wahy), became conquered | حتى
غدا عن طريق الوحي منهزمٌ |
69 | |
devils, following paths of one another in defeat. | من الشياطين يقفو إثر مُنهزمِ | ||
Running away they were similar to Abraha’s heroes | كأنهم هرباً أبطالُ أبرهةٍ | 70 | |
or to troops thrown with pebbles from his palms (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), | أو
عسكرٌ بالحَصَى من راحتيه رُمِىِ |
thrown after they (the pebbles) exalted in his palms | نبذاً
به بعد تسبيحٍ ببطنهما |
71 | |
similar to the exalter (Yunus PBUH) who was thrown out of the belly of the engulfer (the whale). | نبذَ المسبِّح من أحشاءِ ملتقمِ | ||
فى معجزاته صلى الله
عليه وسلم Chapter five His miracles (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
The trees
answered his call, prostrating, |
جاءتْ لدعوته الأشجارُ ساجدةً | 72 | |
walking towards him on trunks without feet, | تمشى
إليه على ساقٍ بلا قدمِ |
as though writing lines when they wrote | كأنَّما سَطَرتْ سطراً لما كتبتْ | 73 | |
with their branches, wonderful writing on the earth, | فروعُها
من بديعِ الخطِّ في اللّقمِ |
like the cloud, following him wherever he went | مثلَ
الغمامة أنَّى سار سائرةً |
74 | |
sheltering him from a hot oven that blazed in summer noon. | تقيه
حرَّ وطيسٍ للهجير حمِى |
I swore by the moon that split, that it bears | أقسمْتُ
بالقمر المنشق إنّ له |
75 | |
a connection to his heart (which was split open), a truthful oath. | من
قلبه نسبةً مبرورة القسمِ |
And what graces and generosities the cave contained | وما حوى الغار من خير ومن كرمٍ | 76 | |
while every infidel's eye was blind to what was in it | وكلُ طرفٍ من الكفار عنه عمى | ||
For “the truth” and the Siddique in the cave were not seen | فالصِّدْقُ في الغار والصِّدِّيقُ لم يَرِما | 77 | |
while they (the infidels) said "no one is in the cave". | وهم
يقولون ما بالغار من أرمِ |
They thought the pigeon and the spider upon | ظنوا الحمام وظنوا العنكبوت على | 78 | |
the best of creation did not spin a web or lay an egg. | خير البرية لم تنسُج ولم تحمِ | ||
The Lord’s protection dispensed with their need for double | وقايةُ الله أغنتْ عن مضاعفةٍ | 79 | |
armors and their need for high fortifications. | من
الدروع وعن عالٍ من الأطمِ |
Whenever times meant me injustice and I appealed for him | ما سامنى الدهرُ ضيماً واستجرتُ به | 80 | |
I received from him a shelter which was honored and respected, | إلا
ونلتُ جواراً منه لم يُضمِ |
and whenever I seeked wealth of the two worlds from his hands | ولا
التمستُ غنى الدارين من يده |
81 | |
I got generous grants from the best giver ever. | إلا
استلمت الندى من خير مستلمِ |
Do not deny that revelations (wahi) happen in his dreams, for he has | لا
تُنكرِ الوحيَ من رؤياهُ إنّ له |
82 | |
a heart that does not sleep when the eyes sleep, | قلباً إذا نامتِ العينان لم يَنم | ||
and this was at the time he reached prophethood | وذاك
حين بلوغٍ من نبوته |
83 | |
for at that time what happens in dream cannot be denied. | فليس
يُنكرُ فيه حالُ مُحتلمِ |
Graceful is The
Lord, that revelation (wahi) is nor earned |
تبارك الله ما وحيٌ بمكتسبٍ | 84 | |
neither is a prophet accused for his knowing the unseen. | ولا نبيٌّ على غيبٍ بمتهمِ | ||
His shining miracles are clear, not hidden from anyone. | آياته
الغر لا يخفى على أحدٍ |
without them justice cannot be established amongst people. | بدونها العدل بين الناس لم يقم | ||
How often has a touch of his hand cured illness | كم أبرأت وصِباً باللمس راحته | 85 | |
and freed an insane from the chains of insanity. | وأطلقتْ أرباً من ربقة اللممِ | ||
His prayer revived the year of drought | وأحيتِ
السنةَ الشهباء دعوته |
86 | |
until it became of the most fertile in the dark times | حتى
حكتْ غرّةً في الأعصر الدُهُمِ |
through rainy clouds, till you thought the valleys had | بعارضٍ جاد أو خِلْتُ البطاحَ بها | 87 | |
water from gushing sea or from torrential dam flood | سَيْبٌ
من اليمِّ أو سيلٌ من العرِمِ |
فى شرف القرآن Chapter Six The Glory of the Quran |
Let me be, describing his miracles, which appeared as clear as | دعْني ووصفيَ آياتٍ له ظهرتْ | 88 | |
the appearance of village lights at night on a hillside. | ظهورَ نارِ القرى ليلاً على علمِ | ||
For pearls are more beautiful when set in jewelry | فالدُّرُّ يزداد حسناً وهو منتظمٌ | 89 | |
but their value is not diminished when not strung or set. | وليس ينقصُ قدراً غير منتظمِ | ||
So how could ambitious hopes of praise reach the extent | فما
تَطاولُ آمالِ المديح إلى |
90 | |
of what he has of generous character and virtues? | ما
فيه من كرم الأخلاق والشِّيمِ |
Recent miracles of verses of truth from The Compassionate (the Quran) | آياتُ حق من الرحمن مُحدثةٌ | 91 | |
are as old as the traits of The Lord, Who is described by being The Old | قديمةٌ صفةُ الموصوف بالقدمِ | ||
They were not
linked or tied to a time while they informed us |
تقترنْ بزمانٍ وهي تُخبرنا |
92 | |
of the appointment hereafter and of Aad and of Iram. | عن المعادِ وعن عادٍ وعن إِرَمِ | ||
They lasted and endured with us forever, so they surpassed every miracle | دامتْ
لدينا ففاقت كلَّ معجزةٍ |
93 | |
from other prophets, which appeared and did not last. | من
النبيين إذ جاءت ولم تدمِ |
Precise and wise are they, so they do not leave any room for doubts | محكّماتٌ فما تُبقين من شبهٍ | 94 | |
for a disputer to debate them, nor do they require any judge. | لِذى شقاقٍ وما تَبغين من حَكمِ | ||
They were never fought except that at the end of the war | ما
حُوربتْ قطُّ إلا عاد من حرَبٍ |
95 | |
the toughest of the enemies returned in absolute surrender. | أعدى الأعادي إليها ملْقِيَ السلمِ | ||
Their eloquence refuted the arguments of their controverter | ردَّتْ
بلاغتُها دعوى معارضَها |
96 | |
just as an overprotective keeps offenders’ hands off his harem. |
ردَّ الغيورِ يدَ الجاني عن الحرَمِ |
They have meaning that are as plenty as the sea’s waves in supply and quantity | لها
معانٍ كموج البحر في مددٍ |
97 | |
and have much more than the sea’s jewels in beauty and value. | وفوق جوهره في الحسن والقيمِ | ||
Their wonders cannot be calculated or counted | فما تعدُّ ولا تحصى عجائبها | 98 | |
and are not found boring even if read repeatedly and plenty. | ولا تسامُ على الإكثار بالسأمِ | ||
They sooth and cool the eye of their reader, and to him I said: | قرَّتْ
بها عين قاريها فقلتُ له |
99 | |
you have attained holding The Lord’s tight rope, so hold steadfast onto it. | لقد ظفِرتَ بحبل الله فاعتصمِ | ||
If you recite them because you fear the heat of blazing hell | إن تتلُها خيفةً من حر نار لظى | 100 | |
they will extinguish the heat of hell by their cool spring, | أطفأْتَ
حر لظى منْ وردِها الشّبمِ |
as if they are The Pool, which whitens the faces | كأنها
الحوض تبيضُّ الوجوه به |
101 | |
of sinners, when they reach it black as coal (or as molten lava) (out of hell), | من العصاة وقد جاؤوه كالحُممِ | ||
and they are like the straight path and like the scales in balance and justice, | وكالصراط
وكالميزان معْدلةً |
102 | |
without them justice among people would not be established. | القسطُ من غيرها في الناس لم يقمِ | ||
Do not be surprised by an envious person renouncing them | لا
تعجبنْ لحسودٍ راح ينكرها |
103 | |
pretending ignorance while he is shrewd and knowing, | تجاهلاً
وهو عينُ الحاذق الفهمِ |
for the eye might occasionally deny sunlight because of illness (trachoma) | قد
تنكر العينُ ضوءَ الشمس من رمد |
104 | |
and the mouth might deny the taste of water because of sickness. | وينكرُ
الفمُ طعمَ الماءِ من سقمِ |
في إسرائه ومعراجه صلى
الله عليه وسلم Chapter Seven His night Journey (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
O the best to whose yard people hopeful for graces headed | يا
خير من يمّم العافون ساحتَه |
105 | |
hasting and on the backs of camels whose foot-marks draw on the ground | سعياً وفوق متون الأينُق الرُّسمِ | ||
and who is considered the greatest miracle by anyone who contemplates | ومنْ هو الآيةُ الكبرى لمعتبرٍ | 106 | |
and who is the greatest grace for anyone hopeful to seize (The Lord’s graces). | ومنْ هو النعمةُ العظمى لمغتنمِ | ||
You travelled by night from a sacred place (Haram) to a sacred place (Haram) | سَريْتَ من حرمٍ ليلاً إلى حرمِ | 107 | |
as the full moon travelled in deep darkness, | كما
سرى البدرُ في داجٍ من الظلمِ |
and you continued ascending until you attained a status | وبتَّ ترقى إلى أن نلت منزلةً | 108 | |
as close as the distance of two bow lengths, which has never been attained nor hoped for, | من قاب قوسين لم تُدركْ ولم تُرَمِ | ||
and there all the prophets set you ahead of them | وقدمتْكَ
جميعُ الأنبياء بها |
109 | |
and the messengers, as a master is set ahead of the workers, | والرسلِ
تقديمَ مخدومٍ على خدمِ |
while you pierced the seven heavens with them | وأنت
تخترقُ السبعَ الطباقَ بهم |
110 | |
in a procession in which you were the owner of the banner | في موكب كنت فيه صاحب العلمِ | ||
until when you left no room for any competitor to strive for | حتى إذا لم تدعْ شأواً لمستبقٍ | 111 | |
in closeness, nor a level to be reached by anyone hoping to ascend, | من
الدنوِّ ولا مرقىً لمُستَنمِ |
you humbled your stature before others even though | خَفضْتَ كلَّ مقامٍ بالإضافة إذ | 112 | |
you were called for elevation like the “singular noun” (in Arabic grammar), | نوديت
بالرفْع مثل المفردِ العلمِ |
so that you may succeed in attaining everything concealed | كيما تفوزَ بوصلٍ أيِّ مستترٍ | 113 | |
from all eyes, and attaining the secrets of everything hidden, | عن
العيون وسرٍ أيِّ مكتتمِ |
and thus you
attained every level of glory without equal |
كل فخارٍ غير مشتركٍ |
114 | |
and you surpassed every status without rival, | جُزْتَ كل مقامٍ غير مزدَحمِ | ||
and exalted is the extent of ranks that were granted to you | وجلَّ مقدارُ ما وُلّيتَ من رُتبٍ | 115 | |
and beyond comprehension is the amount of graces bestowed upon you. | وعزَّ إدراكُ ما أوليتَ من نِعمِ | ||
Good tiding for us, people of Islam, for we have | بشرى لنا معشرَ الإسلام إنّ لنا | 116 | |
by The Lord’s care, an indestructible support: | من
العناية ركناً غير منهدمِ |
when The Lord named the one who called upon us to obeying Him | لما دعا اللهُ داعينا لطاعته | 117 | |
the noblest of messengers, we became the noblest of nations. | بأكرم الرسل كنا أكرم الأممِ | ||
فى جهاده صلى الله
عليه وسلم Chapter Eight His Jihad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
Enemies hearts were terrorized by news of his message | راعتْ قلوبَ العدا أنباءُ بعثته | 118 | |
as a lion roar terrorizing inattentive sheep. | كنْبأةٍ أجفلتْ غُفْلا من الغَنمِ | ||
He repeatedly faced them in every battlefield | ما
زال يلقاهمُ في كل معتركٍ |
119 | |
Until, by lances and swords blows, they became like meat on a skewer. | حتى حكوا بالقَنا لحماً على وضمِ | ||
They wished to flee to the extent that they envied | ودُّوا
الفرار فكادوا يَغبِطُون به |
120 | |
the carcasses and remains that were carried away by eagles and vultures. | أشلاءَ شالتْ مع العِقْبان والرَّخمِ | ||
Nights would pass without them knowing their count | تمضي الليالي ولا يدرون عدَّتَها | 121 | |
unless they were nights of the forbidden (sacred) months (when war is forbidden) |
ما لم تكنْ من ليالي الأشهر الحُرُمِ |
As though the religion (Islam) arrived as a guest at the infidels’ yard | كأنما
الدينُ ضيفٌ حل ساحتهم |
122 | |
with every brave fighter hungry for the flesh of the enemy | بكل قَرْمٍٍ إلى لحم العدا قرِمِ | ||
followed by waves of troops on an ocean of galloping horses | يَجُرُّ
بحرَ خَميسٍ فوقَ سابحة |
123 | |
that strikes in torrential waves of brave warriors, | يرمى بموجٍ من الأبطال ملتَطمِ | ||
of entrustees saving their reward with The Lord | من كل منتدب لله محتسبٍ | 124 | |
charging with swords and blades that uproot atheism, | يسطو
بمستأصلٍ للكفر مُصْطلمِ |
until the religion of Islam became, because of them, | حتى غدتْ ملةُ الإسلام وهي بهمْ | 125 | |
after alienness and lonesomeness, of huge family and clan, | من بعد غُربتها موصولةَ الرَّحمِ | ||
always cared for by them, with the best caring father | مكفولةً
أبداً منهمْ بخير أبٍ |
126 | |
and the best spouse, so it was not orphaned nor widowed. | وخير
بعْلٍ فلم تيتمْ ولم تَئمِ |
They are mountains, so ask their opponent about them | همُ
الجبال فسلْ عنهم مصادمهم |
127 | |
what did he face of them in every battle, | ماذا
رأى منهمُ في كل مصطدمِ |
and ask Hunain, and ask Badr, and ask Uhud, | وسلْ حُنيناً وسل بدراً وسل أُحداً | 128 | |
which were for them seasons of death fiercer than epidemics. | فصولُ حتفٍ لهم أدهى من الوخمِ | ||
The white swords turned red after they were thrust | المُصْدِرِي البيضِ حُمراً بعد ما وردتْ | 129 | |
into every black lock of (hair) of the enemies. | منَ العدا كلَّ مسودٍّ من اللِممِ | ||
With pens made of lancets, the calligraphers did not leave | والكاتِبِينَ بسُمْرِ الخَط ما تركتْ | 130 | |
with their pens’ blades a single enemy body un-scribbled | أقلامُهمْ حَرْفَ جسمٍ غيرَ مُنْعَجمِ | ||
Always clad in arms, they had distinguishing characteristics | شاكي
السلاحِ لهم سيما تميزُهمْ |
131 | |
and roses are distinguished by odor from thorn trees. | والوردُ
يمتازُ بالسيما عن السلَمِ |
Winds of victory send you their scent and good news | تُهْدى إليك رياحُ النصرِ نشْرهمُ | 132 | |
until you suspect every flower in its bud to be a hero in armor. | فتَحسبُ الزهرَ في الأكمام كل كمِى | ||
As though when on horse back they are like plants of the hills | كأنهمْ في ظهور الخيل نَبْتُ رُباً | 133 | |
because of the extent of bravery, not because of the tightness of their belts. | منْ شِدّة الحَزْمِ لا من شدّة الحزُمِ | ||
Enemies’ hearts flew in terror due to their bravery and might | طارتْ
قلوبُ العدا من بأسهمْ فَرقاً |
134 | |
till they could not differentiate between sheep and warriors. | فما تُفرِّقُ بين الْبَهْمِ وألْبُهمِ | ||
And the person who is supported by Rasulullah’s aid | ومن تكنْ برسول الله نُصرتُه | 135 | |
will scare lions if they find him in their den. | إن
تلقَهُ الأسدُ فى آجامها تجمِ |
And you will never see an ally not victorious | ولن ترى من وليٍ غير منتصر | 136 | |
by his aid, nor will you see an enemy unbroken. | به ولا من عدوّ غير منقصمِ | ||
He lodged his nation in the sanctuary of his religion | أحلَّ
أمتَه في حرْز ملَّته |
137 | |
like a lion lodging with the cubs in the thicket. | كالليث
حلَّ مع الأشبال في أجمِ |
Many a time The Lord’s words (the Quran) settled disputes | كم
جدَّلتْ كلماتُ الله من جدل |
138 | |
about him, and many a time the clear evidence ended argument. | فيه
وكمْ خَصَمَ البرهانُ من خَصمِ |
Suffices you as a miracle the amount of knowledge in the unlettered | كفاك بالعلم في الأُمِّيِّ مُعجزةً | 139 | |
in times of ignorance, and the amount of discipline and culture in an orphan. | في
الجاهلية والتأديب في اليُتُمِ |
في التوسل بالنبي صلى
الله عليه وسلم Chapter Nine Begging The Lord using the prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
I served him with praise, through which I hope to be pardoned the sins |
خدْمتُه بمديحٍ استقيلُ به ذنوبَ |
140 | |
of a lifetime that passed in writing poetry and in serving others, | عمرٍ
مضى في الشعر والخدَمِ |
which have both marked me to profound feared consequences | إذْ
قلّدانيَ ما تُخْشي عواقبه |
141 | |
as though due to them I am an animal marked for sacrifice. | كأنَّني بهما هدْيٌ من النَّعمِ | ||
I obeyed the recklessness of youth in them both and I did not | أطعتُ غيَّ الصبا في الحالتين وما | 142 | |
achieve anything except more sin and regret, | حصلتُ إلاّ على الآثام والندمِ | ||
O what a great loss my soul had in its trading | فيا خسارةَ نفسٍ في تجارتها | 143 | |
for it did not purchase religion with its world nor did it try to |
لم تشترِ الدين بالدنيا ولم تَسمِ |
and he who sells his future graces for his present | ومن
يبعْ آجلاً منه بعاجلهِ |
144 |
will find out the sale and the purchase to be fruitless and in vain. | يَبِنْ
له الْغَبْنُ في بيعٍ وفي سلمِ |
If I commit a sin, my pledge will not be annulled, | إنْ
آتِ ذنباً فما عهدي بمنتقض |
145 |
with the prophet, and neither will my rope be broken, | من
النبي ولا حبلي بمنصرمِ |
for I have a pact with him due to my having been named | فإنّ
لي ذمةً منه بتسميتي |
146 |
Mohammed, and he is the most faithful of mankind to honoring a pact. | محمداً
وهو أوفى الخلق بالذِممِ |
If he is not, at my resurrection, taking me by my hand | إن
لّم يكن في معادي آخذاً بيدى |
147 | |
out of grace, then say O what a stumble and fall. | فضلاً
وإلا فقلْ يا زلةَ القدمِ |
He is more gracious than to deprive a hopeful one of his graces | حاشاه
أن يحرمَ الراجي مكارمه |
148 | |
or that the one seeking his asylum return without being honored. |
أو يرجعَ الجارُ منه غير محترمِ |
And ever since I committed my thoughts to praising him | ومنذُ
ألزمتُ أفكاري مدائحه |
149 |
I found him to be the best means and the best to commit to for my salvation. | وجدتُهُ
لخلاصي خيرَ مُلتزِمِ |
His riches will not bypass a hand that has been soiled | ولن
يفوتَ الغنى منه يداً تَرِبتْ |
150 |
for rain grows flowers even on mountains, | إنّ
الحيا يُنْبِتُ الأزهارَ في الأكَمِ |
and I did not seek the worldly flowers like the ones which were plucked | ولمْ
أردْ زهرةَ الدنيا التي اقتطفتْ |
151 |
by the hands of Zuhair (the poet) through his praising the aged king. |
يدا زُهيرٍ بما أثنى على هرمِ |
في المناجاة وعرض
الحاجات Chapter Ten Appealing and displaying needs |
O most generous of mankind, I have no one to seek refuge with | يا
أكرمَ الخلق ما لي منْ ألوذُ به |
152 |
except you on the occurrence of grave happenings. | سواك
عند حلول الحادث العمِمِ |
O messenger of Allah, your exalted status will not be narrower than to accept me | ولن
يضيق رسولَ الله جاهُك بي |
153 |
when (on resurrection day) The Most Generous will manifest by the Name of The Lord of Retribution. | إذا
الكريمُ تجلَّى باسم منتقمِ |
For amongst your graces is this world and the afterlife | فإنّ
من جودك الدنيا وضرّتَها |
154 |
and of your knowledge is knowledge of The Tablet and The Pen. | ومن
علومك علمَ اللوحِ والقلمِ |
O my soul; don’t despair because of a great sin |
يا نفسُ لا تقنطي من زلةٍ عظمتْ |
155 | |
for major sins are as readily forgiven as minor trivialities. |
إنّ الكبائرَ في الغفران كاللممِ |
Perhaps when my Lord’s mercy is distributed | لعلّ
رحمةَ ربي حين يقسمها |
156 |
it would be appropriated in proportion to the amount of sins. | تأتي
على حسب العصيان في القِسمِ |
O Lord, please make my wishes not unanswered |
يارب واجعلْ رجائي غير منعكسٍ |
157 |
by You, and please make my aspirations not in vain | لديك
واجعل حسابي غير منخرمِ |
And be gentle to Your slave in both worlds, for he has | والطفْ
بعبدك في الدارين إن له |
158 |
a patience, which if called upon by hardships, becomes defeated and vanishes |
صبراً متى تدعُهُ الأهوالُ ينهزمِ |
And permit clouds of everlasting prayers from You | وائذنْ
لسُحب صلاةٍ منك دائمة |
159 |
upon the prophet, as plenty as rains in a storm and in a gentle shower | على
النبي بمُنْهَلٍّ ومُنْسجِمِ |
whenever easterly breeze move the branches of ben trees |
ما رنّحتْ عذباتِ البان ريحُ صباً |
160 | |
and whenever camel riders make their camels march swiftly with enchanting tunes. | وأطرب
العيسَ حادي العيسِ بالنغمِ |
Then please be pleased with Abu-Bakr and with Omar |
ثم الرضا عن أبي بكرٍ وعن عمر |
161 |
and with Ali and
with Uthman the generous |
وعن عليٍ وعن عثمانَ ذي الكرمِ |
and with the family and the companions, then with those who follow, for they are |
والآلِ وَالصَّحْبِ ثمَّ التَّابعينَ فهمْ |
162 | |
the people of piety, purity, clemency and generosity. |
أهل التقى والنَّقا والحِلمِ والكرمِ |
O Lord, by the Mustafa (chosen one) attain us our targets | يا
ربِّ بالمصطفى بلِّغْ مقاصدنا |
163 | |
and forgive us what has passed, O Possessor of Vast Generosity | واغفرْ
لنا ما مضى يا واسع الكرم |
O Lord, in group we asked You for forgiveness | يا
رب جمعا طلبنا منك مغفرة |
and a good ending, O Initiator of Graces | وحسن
خاتمة يا مبدئ النعم |
And forgive, O Lord, all Muslims by what | واغفر
إلهى لكل المسلمين بما |
164 |
they recite in the Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem) and the Haram (Mecca) | يتلوه
فى المسجد الأقصى وفى الحرم |
and by the glory of the one whose home in Teeba (Medina) is holy (Haram) | وبجاه
من بيْتُهُ فى طيبة حرمٌ |
165 |
and his name is one of the greatest oaths sworn by. | وإسمُهُ
قسمٌ من أعظم القسم |
And this is the Burda of the chosen one has come to an ending | وهذه
بردةُ المختار قد خُتمتْ |
166 |
and praise and thanks to Allah initially and at the end | والحمد
لله في بدإٍ وفى ختم |
Its verses have reached sixty and a hundred | أبياتها
قدْ أتتْ ستينَ معْ مائةٍ |
167 |
relieve with it our distress, O Possessor of Vast Generosity | فرّجْ
بها كربنا يا واسع الكرم |
So forgive the chanter, and forgive the writer, and forgive the listener | فاغفر
لناشدها واغفر لقارئهاواغفر لسامعها |
I ask of You all goodness O Possessor of Generosity and of Munificence. | سألتك
الخير يا ذا الجود والكرم |