Benefits of Salawat

فضل الصلاة على الرسول
Loving Rasulullah

محبة رسول الله
Dalayel AlKhayrat  
دلائل الخيرات
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كنوز الأسرار
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Listen t o the audio of third hizb
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter Three
في مدح النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
Praising the prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam)
I transgressed the course (sunna) of the one who prayed all night until ظلمتُ سنَّةَ منْ أحيا الظلام إلى
his feet swelled and complained of injury, إنِ اشتكتْ قدماه الضرَ من ورمِ

and because of hunger he tied around his stomach and folded وشدَّ من سغبٍ أحشاءه وطوى
the delicate skin of his waist beneath the stones, تحت الحجارة كشْحاً مترف الأدم

and magnificent mountains of gold tempted him وراودتْه الجبالُ الشمُ من ذهبٍ 31

to submit, but he demonstrated the true essence of magnificence, عن نفسه فأراها أيما شممِ

his need confirmed his true disinterest in them وأكدتْ زهده فيها ضرورته

for need never triumphs over virtuousness, إنَّ الضرورة لا تعدو على العِصَمِ

and how can his neediness be a call for worldly possessions when وكيف تدعو إلى الدنيا ضرورةُ منْ 33

had it not been for him the whole world would not have come out of nothingness? لولاه لم تُخْرجِ الدنيا من العدمِ

Muhammad is the master of both universes and both creations (man and jinn)
محمد سيد الكونين والثقلين

and of both groups of Arabs and of Ajam (non-Arabs, mainly Persians). والفريقين من عُرْب ومنْ عجمِ

Our prophet is the one who commands and forbids, and there is no one نبينا الآمرُ الناهي فلا أحدٌ

more truthful in saying "No" or "Yes" than him. أبرَّ في قولِ لا منه ولا نعمِ

He is the beloved, whose intercession is hoped for هو الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته

to overrun every terrible horror (on the day of resurrection). لكل هولٍ من الأهوال مقتحمِ

He called for following The Lord, so those who cling to him دعا إلى الله فالمستمسكون به

are clinging to a rope which will never give way. مستمسكون بحبلٍ غير منفصمِ

He surpassed all prophets in appearance and in virtue فاق النبيين في خَلقٍ وفي خُلق

and they did not even come close to his knowledge and kindness, ولم يدانوه في علمٍ ولا كرمِ

and they are all petitioning to Rasulullah for وكلهم من رسول الله ملتمسٌ

a handful of water from the ocean or sips from rains, غرفاً من البحر أو رشفاً من الديمِ

and they all stand before him at their confined limits وواقفون لديه عند حدهم 40

like a full stop in the knowledge or a comma in the wisdom من نقطة العلم أو من شكلة الحكمِ

for he is the one whose substance and image were completed and perfected فهو الذي تم معناه وصورته 41

then was chosen as His loved one by The Creator of mankind. ثم اصطفاه حبيباً بارئُ النسم

He is exalted beyond any equal in splendor منزهٌ عن شريكٍ في محاسنه

for the core of his splendor is indivisible. فجوهر الحسن فيه غير منقسمِ

Leave what the Christians claim about their prophet دعْ ما ادعتْهُ النصارى في نبيهم 43

and then decide to praise him with whatever you see, and seek judgment, واحكم بما شئت مدحاً فيه واحتكم

and attribute to him whatever you wish of honor, وانسب إلى ذاته ما شئت من شرف

and attribute to his status whatever you wish of greatness, وانسب إلى قدره ما شئت من عظمِ

for the graciousness of Rasulullah has no فإن فضل رسول الله ليس له 45

limit, to an extent beyond what can be expressed in words. حدٌّ فيعرب عنه ناطقٌ بفمِ

If his miracles were proportional in greatness to his status لو ناسبت قدرَه آياتُه عظماً

then calling his name would have brought back to life decayed bodies. أحيا اسمُه حين يدعى دارسَ الرممِ

He did not test us with anything that perplexes minds لم يمتحنا بما تعيا العقولُ به

out of care for us, so we were neither suspicious nor did we wander. حرصاً علينا فلم نرْتبْ ولم نهمِ

Understanding his essence bewildered people, so he is not seen أعيا الورى فهمُ معناه فليس يُرى

except perplexing whether from near or from far, في القرب والبعد فيه غير مُنْفحمِ

like the sun, appearing to the eye when seen from afar كالشمس تظهر للعينين من بعد 49

small, but dazzles and overwhelms when gazed at. صغيرةً وتُكلُّ الطرفَ من أممِ

And how can his reality be perceived in this world by وكيف يُدْرِكُ في الدنيا حقيقته

inattentive people who disport from him by dreaming? قومٌ نيامٌ تسلوا عنه بالحُلمِ

The extent of knowledge about him, is that he is human فمبلغ العلمِ فيه أنه بشرٌ

and that he is the best of all The Lord’s creatures, وأنه خيرُ خلقِ الله كلهمِ

and all miracle shown by the generous messengers وكلُ آيٍ أتى الرسل الكرام بها 52

only came to be through their connection to his light, فإنما اتصلتْ من نوره بهمِ

For he is a sun of graciousness, while they are its moons (planets) فإنه شمسُ فضلٍ هم كواكبُها 53

relaying its lights to people in darkness. يُظْهِرنَ أنوارَها للناس في الظُلمِ

Graceful is the prophet’s appearance, it is adorned with virtue, أكرمْ بخَلْق نبيّ زانه خُلقٌ

it encompasses beauty and is characterized by pleasantness,
بالحسن مشتملٍ بالبشر متَّسمِ

lavish like flowers, honorable like the full-moon كالزهر في ترفٍ والبدر في شرفٍ

generous like the ocean and firm like the ages, والبحر في كرمٍ والدهر في هِمَمِ

as if, even when alone, out of his glory كانه وهو فردٌ من جلالته

when you meet him he is surrounded by troops and in full suite, في عسكرٍ حين تلقاه وفي حشم

as if pearls hidden in oyster shells ِكأنما اللؤلؤ المكنون فى صدفٍ

appear during both his speech and his smiles. من معْدِنَي منطقٍ منه ومُبْتَسم

No fragrance is equal to that of the soil containing his remains لا طيبَ يعدلُ تُرباً ضم أعظُمه 58

happy is he who smells it and he who embraces it. طوبى لمنتشقٍ منه وملتثم