Chapter Three في مدح النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم Praising the prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
I transgressed the course (sunna) of the one who prayed all night until | ظلمتُ
سنَّةَ منْ أحيا الظلام إلى |
29 | |
his feet swelled and complained of injury, | إنِ
اشتكتْ قدماه الضرَ من ورمِ |
and because of hunger he tied around his stomach and folded | وشدَّ
من سغبٍ أحشاءه وطوى |
30 | |
the delicate skin of his waist beneath the stones, | تحت
الحجارة كشْحاً مترف الأدم |
and magnificent mountains of gold tempted him | وراودتْه الجبالُ الشمُ من ذهبٍ | 31 |
to submit, but he demonstrated the true essence of magnificence, | عن
فأراها أيما شممِ |
his need confirmed his true disinterest in them | وأكدتْ
زهده فيها ضرورته |
32 |
for need never triumphs over virtuousness, | إنَّ
الضرورة لا تعدو على العِصَمِ |
and how can his neediness be a call for worldly possessions when | وكيف تدعو إلى الدنيا ضرورةُ منْ | 33 | |
had it not been for him the whole world would not have come out of nothingness? | لولاه
تُخْرجِ الدنيا من العدمِ |
Muhammad is the
master of both universes and both creations (man and jinn) |
الكونين والثقلين |
34 |
and of both groups of Arabs and of Ajam (non-Arabs, mainly Persians). | والفريقين
من عُرْب ومنْ عجمِ |
Our prophet is the one who commands and forbids, and there is no one | نبينا
الآمرُ الناهي فلا أحدٌ |
35 |
more truthful in saying "No" or "Yes" than him. | أبرَّ
قولِ لا منه ولا نعمِ |
He is the beloved, whose intercession is hoped for | هو
الحبيب الذي ترجى شفاعته |
36 |
to overrun every terrible horror (on the day of resurrection). | لكل
من الأهوال مقتحمِ |
He called for following The Lord, so those who cling to him | دعا
الله فالمستمسكون به |
37 | |
are clinging to a rope which will never give way. | مستمسكون بحبلٍ غير منفصمِ | ||
He surpassed all prophets in appearance and in virtue | فاق
النبيين في خَلقٍ وفي خُلق |
38 |
and they did not even come close to his knowledge and kindness, | ولم
يدانوه في علمٍ ولا كرمِ |
and they are all petitioning to Rasulullah for | وكلهم
رسول الله ملتمسٌ |
39 |
a handful of water from the ocean or sips from rains, | غرفاً
البحر أو رشفاً من الديمِ |
and they all stand before him at their confined limits | وواقفون لديه عند حدهم | 40 |
like a full stop in the knowledge or a comma in the wisdom | من
العلم أو من شكلة الحكمِ |
for he is the one whose substance and image were completed and perfected | فهو الذي تم معناه وصورته | 41 | |
then was chosen as His loved one by The Creator of mankind. | ثم اصطفاه حبيباً بارئُ النسم | ||
He is exalted beyond any equal in splendor | منزهٌ
شريكٍ في محاسنه |
42 | |
for the core of his splendor is indivisible. | فجوهر الحسن فيه غير منقسمِ | ||
Leave what the Christians claim about their prophet | دعْ ما ادعتْهُ النصارى في نبيهم | 43 |
and then decide to praise him with whatever you see, and seek judgment, | واحكم بما شئت مدحاً فيه واحتكم | ||
and attribute to him whatever you wish of honor, | وانسب
إلى ذاته ما شئت من شرف |
44 | |
and attribute to his status whatever you wish of greatness, | وانسب
إلى قدره ما شئت من عظمِ |
for the graciousness of Rasulullah has no | فإن فضل رسول الله ليس له | 45 | |
limit, to an extent beyond what can be expressed in words. | حدٌّ
فيعرب عنه ناطقٌ بفمِ |
If his miracles were proportional in greatness to his status | لو
ناسبت قدرَه آياتُه عظماً |
46 | |
then calling his name would have brought back to life decayed bodies. | أحيا اسمُه حين يدعى دارسَ الرممِ | ||
He did not test us with anything that perplexes minds | لم
يمتحنا بما تعيا العقولُ به |
47 |
out of care for us, so we were neither suspicious nor did we wander. | حرصاً علينا فلم نرْتبْ ولم نهمِ | ||
Understanding his essence bewildered people, so he is not seen | أعيا
الورى فهمُ معناه فليس يُرى |
48 | |
except perplexing whether from near or from far, | في
والبعد فيه غير مُنْفحمِ |
like the sun, appearing to the eye when seen from afar | كالشمس تظهر للعينين من بعد | 49 |
small, but dazzles and overwhelms when gazed at. | صغيرةً
وتُكلُّ الطرفَ من أممِ |
And how can his reality be perceived in this world by | وكيف
يُدْرِكُ في الدنيا حقيقته |
50 |
inattentive people who disport from him by dreaming? | قومٌ
نيامٌ تسلوا عنه بالحُلمِ |
The extent of knowledge about him, is that he is human | فمبلغ
العلمِ فيه أنه بشرٌ |
51 | |
and that he is the best of all The Lord’s creatures, | وأنه
خيرُ خلقِ الله كلهمِ |
and all miracle shown by the generous messengers | وكلُ آيٍ أتى الرسل الكرام بها | 52 |
only came to be through their connection to his light, | فإنما
اتصلتْ من نوره بهمِ |
For he is a sun of graciousness, while they are its moons (planets) | فإنه شمسُ فضلٍ هم كواكبُها | 53 |
relaying its lights to people in darkness. | يُظْهِرنَ
أنوارَها للناس في الظُلمِ |
Graceful is the prophet’s appearance, it is adorned with virtue, | أكرمْ
بخَلْق نبيّ زانه خُلقٌ |
54 | |
it encompasses
beauty and is characterized by pleasantness, |
مشتملٍ بالبشر متَّسمِ |
lavish like flowers, honorable like the full-moon | كالزهر
في ترفٍ والبدر في شرفٍ |
55 |
generous like the ocean and firm like the ages, | والبحر
في كرمٍ والدهر في هِمَمِ |
as if, even when alone, out of his glory | كانه
فردٌ من جلالته |
56 | |
when you meet him he is surrounded by troops and in full suite, | في
عسكرٍ حين تلقاه وفي حشم |
as if pearls hidden in oyster shells | ِكأنما
اللؤلؤ المكنون فى صدفٍ |
57 |
appear during both his speech and his smiles. | من
معْدِنَي منطقٍ منه ومُبْتَسم |
No fragrance is equal to that of the soil containing his remains | لا طيبَ يعدلُ تُرباً ضم أعظُمه | 58 | |
happy is he who smells it and he who embraces it. | طوبى
لمنتشقٍ منه وملتثم |