Chapter Eight فى جهاده صلى الله عليه وسلم His Jihad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) |
Enemies' hearts were terrorized by news of his message | راعتْ قلوبَ العدا أنباءُ بعثته | 118 | |
as a lion roar terrorizing inattentive sheep. | كنْبأةٍ أجفلتْ غُفْلا من الغَنمِ | ||
He repeatedly faced them in every battlefield | ما
زال يلقاهمُ في كل معتركٍ |
119 | |
Until, by lances and swords blows, they became like meat on a skewer. | حتى حكوا بالقَنا لحماً على وضمِ | ||
They wished to flee to the extent that they envied | ودُّوا
الفرار فكادوا يَغبِطُون به |
120 | |
the carcasses and remains that were carried away by eagles and vultures. | أشلاءَ شالتْ مع العِقْبان والرَّخمِ | ||
Nights would pass without them knowing their count | تمضي الليالي ولا يدرون عدَّتَها | 121 | |
unless they were nights of the forbidden (sacred) months (when war is forbidden) |
ما لم تكنْ من ليالي الأشهر الحُرُمِ |
As though the religion (Islam) arrived as a guest at the infidels’ yard | كأنما
الدينُ ضيفٌ حل ساحتهم |
122 | |
with every brave fighter hungry for the flesh of the enemy | بكل قَرْمٍٍ إلى لحم العدا قرِمِ | ||
followed by waves of troops on an ocean of galloping horses | يَجُرُّ
بحرَ خَميسٍ فوقَ سابحة |
123 | |
that strikes in torrential waves of brave warriors, | يرمى بموجٍ من الأبطال ملتَطمِ | ||
of entrustees saving their reward with The Lord | من كل منتدب لله محتسبٍ | 124 | |
charging with swords and blades that uproot atheism, | يسطو
بمستأصلٍ للكفر مُصْطلمِ |
until the religion of Islam became, because of them, | حتى غدتْ ملةُ الإسلام وهي بهمْ | 125 | |
after alienness and lonesomeness, of huge family and clan, | من بعد غُربتها موصولةَ الرَّحمِ | ||
always cared for by them, with the best caring father | مكفولةً
أبداً منهمْ بخير أبٍ |
126 | |
and the best spouse, so it was not orphaned nor widowed. | وخير
بعْلٍ فلم تيتمْ ولم تَئمِ |
They are mountains, so ask their opponent about them | همُ
الجبال فسلْ عنهم مصادمهم |
127 | |
what did he face of them in every battle, | ماذا
رأى منهمُ في كل مصطدمِ |
and ask Hunain, and ask Badr, and ask Uhud, | وسلْ حُنيناً وسل بدراً وسل أُحداً | 128 | |
which were for them seasons of death fiercer than epidemics. | فصولُ حتفٍ لهم أدهى من الوخمِ | ||
The white swords turned red after they were thrust | المُصْدِرِي البيضِ حُمراً بعد ما وردتْ | 129 | |
into every black lock of (hair) of the enemies. | منَ العدا كلَّ مسودٍّ من اللِممِ | ||
With pens made of lancets, the calligraphers did not leave | والكاتِبِينَ بسُمْرِ الخَط ما تركتْ | 130 | |
with their pens’ blades a single enemy body un-scribbled | أقلامُهمْ حَرْفَ جسمٍ غيرَ مُنْعَجمِ | ||
Always clad in arms, they had distinguishing characteristics | شاكي
السلاحِ لهم سيما تميزُهمْ |
131 | |
and roses are distinguished by odor from thorn trees. | والوردُ
يمتازُ بالسيما عن السلَمِ |
Winds of victory send you their scent and good news | تُهْدى إليك رياحُ النصرِ نشْرهمُ | 132 | |
until you suspect every flower in its bud to be a hero in armor. | فتَحسبُ الزهرَ في الأكمام كل كمِى | ||
As though when on horse back they are like plants of the hills | كأنهمْ في ظهور الخيل نَبْتُ رُباً | 133 | |
because of the extent of bravery, not because of the tightness of their belts. | منْ شِدّة الحَزْمِ لا من شدّة الحزُمِ | ||
Enemies’ hearts flew in terror due to their bravery and might | طارتْ
قلوبُ العدا من بأسهمْ فَرقاً |
134 | |
till they could not differentiate between sheep and warriors. | فما تُفرِّقُ بين الْبَهْمِ وألْبُهمِ | ||
And the person who is supported by Rasulullah’s aid | ومن تكنْ برسول الله نُصرتُه | 135 | |
will scare lions if they find him in their den. | إن
تلقَهُ الأسدُ فى آجامها تجمِ |
And you will never see an ally not victorious | ولن ترى من وليٍ غير منتصر | 136 | |
by his aid, nor will you see an enemy unbroken. | به ولا من عدوّ غير منقصمِ | ||
He lodged his nation in the sanctuary of his religion | أحلَّ
أمتَه في حرْز ملَّته |
137 | |
like a lion lodging with the cubs in the thicket. | كالليث
حلَّ مع الأشبال في أجمِ |
Many a time The Lord’s words (the Quran) settled disputes | كم
جدَّلتْ كلماتُ الله من جدل |
138 | |
about him, and many a time the clear evidence ended argument. | فيه
وكمْ خَصَمَ البرهانُ من خَصمِ |
Suffices you as a miracle the amount of knowledge in the unlettered | كفاك بالعلم في الأُمِّيِّ مُعجزةً | 139 | |
in times of ignorance, and the amount of discipline and culture in an orphan. | في
الجاهلية والتأديب في اليُتُمِ |